
How Your Childhood Affects Your Health Today

Doctors are trained to heal you. That’s our vocation and avocation. But we now know that in doing the job of making you “better,” doctors can blur the boundaries of medicine and psychology. Have you ever been told you have to lose weight? You’re obese? It’s your fault? Thanks to a doctor named Vincent Felitti…

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The Max

The Max

Jeffrey Fenster, MD, and his Palm Beach Heartstrong Program have long been active at the Max M. Fisher Boys & Girls Club in Riviera Beach, FL. This year, in partnership with Bimbo Bakery distributors, we were able to build a new walking path, plant beautiful shrubs, and install a unique piece of artwork at the…

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The South Florida Food Bank

The South Florida Food Bank

Dr. Fenster and his family were thrilled to be a part of bringing biweekly food delivery to the Max. Every other Friday, every family at the Max takes home bags filled with nutritious food donated by local grocery stores and food distributors. No family should go hungry, especially in our own communities. Thank you South…

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Dr. Fenster Speaks at Jupiter Medical Center on Atrial Fibrillation

Dr. Fenster Speaks at Jupiter Medical Center on Atrial Fibrillation

Dr. Jeffrey Fenster was the featured speaker last night at Jupiter Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Center. He and invited guest Dr. Simi Platt spoke on the features, symptoms, signs, and treatments for atrial fibrillation (also known as “afib”). As a board-certified cardiologist and invasive cardiologist, Dr. Fenster spoke about the signs and symptoms of afib…

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Dr. Fenster Speaks at the Boys & Girls Club

Dr. Fenster Speaks at the Boys & Girls Club

Dr. Fenster spent some time last Saturday at the Max M. Fisher Boys & Girls Club in Riviera Beach, FL, speaking with community members about nutrition, fitness, and general health topics. He answered questions and handed out Palm Beach Heartstrong pedometers – which were so popular, many people came back for more to share with…

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Dr. Jeffrey Fenster Speaks at Ibis Country Club

Dr. Jeffrey Fenster Speaks at Ibis Country Club

On February 9, 2016, Dr. Fenster presented Palm Beach Heartstrong to the residents of Ibis Country Club. Palm Beach Heartstrong is Dr. Fenster’s new program in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter, offering customized, discounted personal training at several local country clubs and fitness centers to his cardiac patients as well as free nutrition counseling in his…

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